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How to be a good husband during your wife’s pregnancy

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Is she angry or sad? Happy or emotional? Does she want to share her thoughts or does she want my suggestions?

Understanding women continues to be a mystery to men. It turns crazier when she is pregnant. She has a lot of cravings but can’t eat much. She wants to stay with her mom and also her husband. She is so happy about the pregnancy but can’t bear the pains. Some women have morning sickness while some have night sickness and some don’t like medicines!

Women go through a LOT to be a mother and we interacted with many women to understand what they expect from a husband during pregnancy. If your wife is just pregnant or if you’re planning for children and want to help your partner but don’t know how to, you are not the only one on this roller coaster of a ride!

Inner Peace

You may have a lot going on with regards to work and money, but keep your frustrations with yourself. Never ever argue or be rude to a pregnant woman. You should choose to stay away or bang your fist on the wall, but get back to her only when you are normal.

Encourage them to stop worrying about unnecessary things and to take up activities like meditation or Yoga, which helps the overall health of the body.

You may also want to consult a yoga practitioner about the exercises that benefit pregnant ladies.

Her Clinic is also organising online Yoga classes exclusively for women. To register, you can head to the link here!

In short, pregnant women need a peaceful, healthy and happy environment around them and you should facilitate that.

Make The Pains Go Away

Pregnancy comes with pains. 9 months is a very long time and the body takes a lot. Daily dose of medicines, sometimes painful injections will slowly affect them physically and mentally. The idea of childbirth which involves excruciating pain makes women very nervous and vulnerable during pregnancy.

Can we just make the pains go away? No. But what we can do is to make her feel better.

Remind her of how beautiful the future family is going to be. Listen to soothing music whenever you get a chance. Watch feel-good videos on social media of kids & pets and laugh a lot together. This would definitely lighten up the mood, which would indirectly help the body.

Try Being The Mother

Make sure to have clean washrooms in your home. Wash your bed sheets and blankets on time. Give her fruits and dry fruits in between meals. Give her a soft massage on forehead, legs and hands. If you two stay away from your family buckle up and cook for her. Remind her to take medicines on time.

Midway Crisis

At some point, with all the suffering from medicines and pains, they tend to question themselves with any of the following or more doubts.

“Am I going to survive for 9 months like this?”

“I forgot to take medicine yesterday. Is anything going to happen?”

“Can I survive a natural birth or should I opt for a caesarean?”

“Do I need kids at all?”

“Can I be a good mother?”

It is natural that even you can have doubts alike, but you need to give your wife the confidence that you can make it through. She always looks up to you and a pat on the back can set everything right!

Love And XOXO

Let her know how much you love her. Remind her that she is the queen of your heart. Don’t hesitate to give a peck on the cheek or a warm hug or a deep kiss. She wants love at this point more than any other time in life.

On this Valentine’s day make a promise to be the best Valentine that your wife has ever had.

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